The Queen of Spain held a video conference with the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer) and medical societies who fight against cancer.
The AECC is a non-profit organisation, which works to educate, support, and accompany sick people and their families, along with financing research projects that will allow better diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The heads of the scientific societies explained to the Queen how they have responded to people with oncohematological diseases during the pandemic while expressing concern about the impact of COVID-19 on cancer and how it will affect it in the future. They addressed the reorganisation of oncohematology services after the crisis with the need to return to normality and for greater resources. Since the start of the pandemic, under the AECC initiative, the five scientific societies have coordinated a common response, with the aim of solving the questions and concerns of cancer patients.
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The King and Queen of Spain continued video conferences at the Palace of Zarzuela.
Their Majesties held a video conference with the Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos (General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists) the highest representative body of 74,000 registered pharmacists. During the pandemic the College of Pharmacists has launched the #LaCruzDeLaFarmaciaNoSeApaga campaign, informing the public to stay at home and only visit the pharmacy if necessary. They have also implemented a series of actions such as the automatic renewal of medication through electronic prescription and home delivery of medicines for the elderly and at-risk groups via volunteers from the Red Cross and Caritas. The Collegiate Pharmaceutical Organization has prepared a document to support the national and regional authorities in the Transition Strategy consisting of 24 measures to guarantee the assistance and safety of patients and citizens.
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia held a video conference with Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos (General Council of Official Colleges of Psychologists), which brings together more than 76,000 professionals in Psychology and is made up of the 23 Official Colleges of Psychologists, at the regional level. Psychologists in the front line, care centers, and in organizations or consultations have been vital during the pandemic and isolation. From the offset of the crisis, The General Council considered it necessary to propose measures and channels that would allow psychological care to deal with possible episodes of stress, they have carried out more than 30,000 remote interventions with the general population, relatives of the deceased or infected and essential service professionals.
Queen Letizia wore her Hugo Boss 'Koralena' Structured Tweed Jacket.
The King and Queen of Spain continued video conferences at the Palace of Zarzuela.
Their Majesties held a video conference with the President of the General Council of Official Medical Associations CGCOM, which is the body that groups, coordinates and represents all Official Medical Associations at the state level. Its president provided data on the human impact on the medical community. The CGCOM has launched a working group whose aim is to prepare a document that contemplates a present and future health model project that is capable of absorbing the lessons learned from the pandemic.
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia later held a video conference with the President of the General Council of Official Nursing Colleges, which is made up of the General Nursing Council, 17 Autonomous Councils, and 52 Provincial Colleges. The council has launched an information campaign, highlighting a series of actions and recommendations aimed at nurses, health professionals, and the public to explain the different scenarios in which we find ourselves and how to act in each of them.
Queen Letizia wore her HUGO 'Ajanisa' Windowpane Jacket.
The Queen of Spain visited the headquarters of Cruz Roja Española (Spanish Red Cross) in Madrid.
Her Majesty saw first-hand the activities being carried out daily within the Cruz Roja RESPONDE plan against COVID-19. The plan has mobilized more than 40,000 volunteers and reached 1.5 million people in areas of; emergencies, health, social inclusion, education, employment, and environment.
Upon arrival, the Queen joined a meeting where the general coordinator of the Spanish Red Cross explained the evolution of the RESPONDE Red Cross plan, which has reached its target two months after launch.
Her Majesty participated in activities carried out by volunteers, she was shown basic necessity kits (food hygiene products) which are prepared and delivered through Social Response Units.
Queen Letizia was informed of follow-up and attention calls made to the elderly by telephone, she also participated in a session of 'Promoción de Éxito Escolar virtualizado' (Virtualized School Success Promotion) a school support program for families in vulnerable situations, before being informed of the services that are being offered to people who have lost their jobs.
Queen Letizia wore a new black and white sweater by Adolfo Dominguez.
The sportswear-inspired bicolour top has a mixed ribbed body and a solid stripe down the arms.
She teamed it with black straight leg trousers and what appears to be Hugo Boss 'Lara' loafers in black suede.
Letizia accessorized with her beloved bezel set diamond stud earrings which form part of her Australian pearl earrings.
Her Majesty later held a telephone conversation with the First Lady of France Brigitte Macron. They expressed solidarity and a mutual understanding between the two countries against the pandemic.
The King and Queen of Spain continued video conferences at the Palace of Zarzuela.
Queen Letizia held a video conference with Federación Española de Daño Cerebral FEDACE (Spanish Federation of Brain Injury) which supports people with Acquired Brain Injury and their families. As a result of the pandemic, all 43 of the member entities have closed with the exception of residences with most employees teleworking. They stressed the importance of starting rehabilitation activities as soon as possible so individuals don't lose abilities and quality of life. Moving forward they hope to help those who are most at risk who have suffered significant motor and cognitive setbacks, maintain employment, and the continuity of the federation while following the recommended safety guidelines.
Their Majesties held a video conference with Corporación Alimentaia Peñasanta, CAPSA (Peñasanta Food Corporation) a company of cooperative livestock origin and the first national dairy producer. They addressed different aspects relating to the sector, the current situation of the company, and its adaptation and operation during the pandemic, along with future plans.
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia held a video conference with representatives from the Grupo Anecoop (Anecoop Group) - an agri-food cooperative company that brings together 71 cooperatives and agricultural companies from 12 Spanish provinces. They have launched the 'Raciones de vida para el campo' (Life rations for the countryside) campaign which highlights the strategic value of the agri-food sector as a strong sector capable of facing situations of enormous difficulty. The representatives also expressed concern for the increase in requests for deferment payments by clients, the reduction of commercial risk coverage from large insurers, lack of labor, and an increase in transportation costs due to the sanitary measures that have to be adopted in fields and warehouses.
The King and Queen of Spain headed out today for a visit to the Electrical System Control Centre of Red Eléctrica de España (REE) in Madrid.
REE is a partly state-owned and public limited Spanish corporation which operates the national electricity grid in Spain. During the COVID-19 pandemic, REE has maintained a constant supply of energy to homes, hospitals, and all centers in the front line. Their Majesties highlighted the company's exemplary performance.
In the Emergency Room, they were informed of the evolution of electricity demand during the crisis, which has seen a global decrease.
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia later toured the Electrical System Control Centre where they greeted technicians who guarantee the quality and safety of the electricity supply, dealing with variations in demand while minimizing the cost of energy involved.
Queen Letizia stepped out in a new jacket by Hugo Boss. It is the BOSS 'Karonita' Bouclé Blazer (£270) in a stretchy viscose blend with a refined bouclé appearance. It has a double zip front and collarless neckline. Precise darts accentuate the narrow fit, and the waistline is further emphasised by the colour-coordinating piping. This is another piece I believe has been sitting in Letizia's closet for some time because the style has been discontinued.
The pants appear to be her dark blue Hugo Boss 'Safashy1' relaxed-fit paper-bag trousers which she debuted last September for a visit to Gran Canaria.
Letizia wore her navy Magrit pumps and finished the look with her bezel set diamond stud earrings which have become her favourite during the lock-down.
The King & Queen of Spain held video conferences with FIAPAS and the Network of National Parks6/5/2020
The King and Queen of Spain continued video conferences at the Palace of Zarzuela.
Queen Letizia held a video conference with the Confederación Española de Familias de Personas Sordas FIAPAS (Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People). The heads briefed Her Majesty on the difficulties that deaf people and their families are facing during the pandemic. During the conversation, the inaccessibility of online educational resources was highlighted which has prevented children and young people with deafness from following classes at the same level as their peers. Along with the disruptions in early care treatments, rehabilitation and adaptations, programming of hearing aids, and the lack of accessibility to the different channels in which information about the crisis can be accessed. They also expressed concern regarding communication barriers such as the widespread use of masks, social distancing, and protective partitions which can make it harder for deaf people to access information.
Their Majesties held a video conference with the Red de Parques Nacionales (Network of National Parks). The managers informed them how aspects related to the conservation of natural systems has been affected by the pandemic such as; fauna and flora monitoring, natural systems including meteorological stations, and how the absence of visitors is affecting species. In all National Parks, visitor centers have been closed, offices are maintained with minimal services, and teleworking, nurseries are managed with essential services along with aspects related to monitoring and conservation.
Queen Letizia premiered a charcoal tweed jacket by Hugo Boss. It is the BOSS 'Koralena' Structured Tweed Jacket featuring a two-way zipper in front and a sleek collarless neckline. Bands of solid trim accentuate the fitted shape. It appears to be from a past season because it has completely sold out. The style was also available in navy, and black and white tweed.
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia also held telephone calls with; Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge and the Área Sanitaria Sur of Barcelona.
The King and Queen of Spain continued video conferences today from their home at the Palace of Zarzuela.
Queen Letizia held a video conference with the Microfinance Foundation BBVA. They informed Her Majesty of the current situation in Latin America and the measures the Foundation has taken to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the 2.2 million entrepreneurs it serves. The Foundation's three priorities are the health of its entrepreneurs and 8,500 employees, support for entrepreneur and business continuity, and to guarantee the sustainability of operations.
Their Majesties held a video conference with Managers of the Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid EMT (Municipal Transport Company of Madrid). The managers informed them that the EMT has continued to provide services during the pandemic to maintain connectivity within the city, with special emphasis on the lines that serve health centers.
Queen Letizia debuted a new blazer by Hugo Boss. It is the HUGO 'Asima' Check Suit Jacket (US$395) featuring a jacquard glen plaid and a slim tailored fit.
The King and Queen of Spain continued video conferences at the Palace of Zarzuela.
Queen Letizia held a video conference with the State Representative Platform for People with Physical Disabilities, and the Federación Nacional ASPAYM. During the meeting, the heads detailed the impact of COVID-19 upon residences, day centers, and home assistance services, while expressing concern for the economic sustainability of their entities and for people with disabilities who had lost their jobs. They also explained to Her Majesty that they are preparing a plan to adapt to the situation after the health crisis, where they aim to restore normal care for people in centers and homes and reconvert activities and services to telematic systems, which include; training, prevention of infections, awareness, tele-rehabilitation and maintaining fitness at home among others.
Their Majesties later held a video conference with representatives from the field of the Digital Agenda and Artificial Intelligence who reviewed digital solutions developed by the Spanish government to aid in the management of the pandemic. The 'Asistencia Covid-19', is a self-diagnosis application that has helped clear telephone lines and offered guidelines. An artificial intelligence assistant 'Hispabot-Covid19' responds to citizens' concerns with official, accurate, and up-to-date information, along with instant messaging services WhatsApp and Telegram which have answered 193,000 queries thus far. The DataCOVID mobility study based on anonymous and aggregated data from mobile devices from the three main providers in Spain showed that since the state of alarm was declared 85% of citizens have not moved from their area of residence.
On Friday 1st May King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia held telephone calls with; Hospitales Universitarios of Leon and Burgos and Hospital de Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles de Ávila. Over the weekend Their Majesties conversed with; Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset of Valencia, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves of Granada, Hospital Virgen de la Luz in Cuenca, Hospital Universitario Joan XXIII of Tarragona and Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal of Madrid.
February 2025